How do I have it in my crafty inky hands already you ask...well Jean and Malcom who have Crafty Individuals live a short walk from me...and Malcom dropped my order off at lunch time today...Thanx J n M :)) Hows that for service.
I was cleaning and clearing my mess up from a week of crafting when they arrived but what do you think happened next... no prizes for guessing.

This 1st bleach ATC was created once again using 1 stamp, one white ATC, 1 ink pad, a small amount of bleach and water and some bubble wrap.
I just LOVE it.
What happened next.. I go to my blank ATC stash and there are NO slight sheen ATC's left...I find they are better for achieving this bleach look...what am I going to do as 1 ATC is not enough for any girl when she has a new stamp ..dont you all agree... at that I remember to change the calendar as its the 1st of June and I get soo excited as the callendar is made of sheen cardstck... Big smile ...will it work... ?????? Thanx Jackie and Leigh ..they bought it for me.
So for those of you who know how I love to recycle 'stuff' on my ATC's I cut out an ATC from the front page which had some beautiful Lillies on it.. Below is an ATC I have cut out to give you an idea of what it looked like before I used the same method as above.

This is the finished ATC using part of a recycled calendar page, the same stamp, 1 ink pad, bleach 'n' water mixture and bubble wrap...I am thrilled with it and hope you like it too.
Unlike last week I just cannot part with either of them...but look out in this months ATC challenge I may well use this stamp for our monthly theme.Mind you I did purchase a few more and 1 is most deffinately suitable for the Fairy tale ATC's. The other is for a fathers day challenge over on the Fiskarettes blog.. see the link on the right. I was also delighted with some fabulous freebie stamps and papers I received from CI ...Thank you J n M :)) I will show at a later date what I make with them.
WE have a new blogger in the club ...Hi Denise in S Africa, big wave..:)).Denise has also become hooked on Bleaching ATC's please pop over and make her welcome and see some of her great atc's she has made using bleach http://denise-blessthismess.blogspot.com/
Did anyone see my interveiw as a Fiskarette on their blog oh and I also won star of the week thanx to head office picking my entry...£10 to choose on goodies ... why not enter..there is also £500 worth of prizes up for grabs too just for registering and answering a question...what are you waiting for... HEY, just one moment dont you want to know who won the fab blog candy given to us by Solance over at 'Sparkle Dreams'...lovely name for a shop.
The winner is... Sharon Ward http://sharon-ward.blogspot.com/
CONGRATULATIONS Sharon... your goodies will be with you this week.
Don't forget our very own ATC Queen Dottie is going on holiday tomorrow she will be staying with a club member but before she leaves she is inviting you all to her fashion show here tomorrow at 5pm she pre recorded it as she will be with her club member by then.
Get here early for a front row seat... our club members and her friends have been designing and making her some fabulous new outfits to wear on holiday. The best dressed Queen around.
Hope you are still with us ...as I had alot to tell you today.
Luv Chriss n Dottie xx
Phew, could have warned me to settle down with a coffee and get comfy to read your blog today!!! Love the ATCs Chriss, clever lady as ever and so resourceful. Does the door to door delivery work for us all? (Perhaps you could bring them for me????)Looking forward to the fashion show later. Have a great holiday Dottie. with love as always, Denise DBX
Congratulations and well done to Sharon! That new stamp is divine and what you've done with it, is great! And thank you for the welcome! Greatly appreciated!
Ooooooh thank you - I'm so excited! Can't wait to recieve my goodies! Looking forward to seeing Dottie in her new outfits - will come back later.
Love Sharon
Well Done to "Sharon"...
Fab post Chrissi...I`ll be over tommorrow!!!!
I must try and get some Dotties done for you:)xxx
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