Linda had washed the background i soft blues and greens and then stampeda script stamp making a beautiful background to her butterflies which she coloured and added the tiniest of gold beads and diamonds.
Thank you linda for taking part our club challenge.
Chocolate and pink seem to be some of the 'in' colour combinations and Solance has used them with great effect.
Thanx Solance for your tranquility ATC's and also the blog candy up for grabs on the post below...dont forget to take a look.
Dottie our ATC queen is smiling BIG TIME as she had some fantastic holiday outfits arrive in the post today from both Dubai and S Africa her case is filling up nicely and she wishes to thank everyone who has designed and made such fantastic ATC's just for her and whats more there are even more on the way...She will be giving you a fashion show on Monday...well she does like to show off. :)))
Thanx for stopping by and reading.
Luv Chriss and Dottie xx
Totally beautiful.. I would be proud to have all three in my collection :) Can't wait for Dotties fashion show... I just know it is going to be a hoot :)
You and Dottie must be having a lot of fun. I have to apologize for not getting set up in the club. I have gotten involved in a lot of challenges. They keep me busy enoug for now, I think. so I'm not in a rush. The ATC posted today on my blog is available for trade. Let me know if you want to do it. Do you have a gallery someplace for me to look at? I may see something I like.
God Bless.
These are stunning!! Looking forward to Dottie's fashion show !
These atcs are very nice, I love the colours, very easy on the eye. Jaqi
Beautiful ATCs again. I love them. Well my Dotties are nearly ready, don't expect too much though because I don't really 'do' ATCs.LOL
Hey louise,
I have seen your dottie atc's and just wait until the fashion show on Monday.
Chriss X
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