Elizabeth is 'Cookie Sunshine's' Mama.
I dont remember how I came across Cookies blog ..on one of my late night blog hopping sessions no doubt... and since then i have followed cookies diary of events about herself and her mama Elizabeth.
Elizabeth suffers from Alzheimers.
The following is taken from Cookies blog....
When I began blogging I had no intention of sharing so much with you about my Mother or talking about her dementia. I felt that Alzheimers should be talked about quietly with friends or family. I didn't plan to talk about nursing homes, care givers, memory loss, feeling lost, or bleeding legs. I was going to stick to art.
In the beginning I believed that talking about these things would be some sort of boundary violation because my Mother has always been a very private person, and I didn't really think that anything positive would come from sharing our daily experiences online.
But one day I wrote about my Mother for Show and Tell at Kelli's House and what followed really amazed me. Not only did I receive several online comments, but I also received a huge number of personal emails from women who either have a parent, grandparent, sibling, or other family member or friend with the disease, or they wrote about someone who has passed on and the experience and how their lives had been affected. I've been very touched by the kindness and the support from this community. Because of this I've come to believe that it's important to share our story with the hope that some of you might benefit through my Mama's experience.
Last week I purchased a little flip video camera. The purpose was so that I could video Logan during his stand up routine.
Yesterday we recieved the most wonderful package in the mail and I found a new reason for the camera. Mya at Creative Musings With Mya created a simply perfect red felt hat for my Mother and sent it to her as a gift. Mya does not know Mama. She has never met her, nor has she met me in person. We are blogging pals. I helped with a bit of technical info for her blog banner and she decided that she wanted to create this hat as a kindness for my Mother.
Believe me, what I did for her was nothing in comparison. Words can't express how much this hat is appreciated. Mama will wear this hat for red hat tea parties, but she can also wear it on days when her hair doesn't look it's best. She has a lot of days when hats come in handy.
This morning Logan and I drove over for a visit and gave Mama her new hat. I made this video. It's not the best video in the world. I'll improve. You'll notice that she's confused. You'll get a sense of what dementia is all about. But you will also see that even with dementia, there is still happiness and fun. Our lives have changed, and it is sad, but we still have a lot of love and so very much to be thankful for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaEkw_u6xHg
Me ..
Since this video was taken in April, Elizabeth has fallen and broken not only her shoulder but her hip too... thankfully both operations went well but because of her Alzheimers she didnt understand any of the time being in hospital nor understood the pain she went through, this all happened days before her birthday.
The update is that Elizabeth left hospital on 30th April, her birthday and is doing well.
We had planned this post sometime before her fall,
What I would love is for you to take on a challenge using this lovely picture of Elizabeth to make a little gift for her in the shape of either a Tag, an ATC, a note book, a little brag book, a gothic arch, the choice is yours, you decide.
If you do have the time we thank you for taking on the challenge and understand if you don't.
Cookies blog is listed on the right click on to get in touch with her for her snail mail address. Check out her blog for the most amazing doodles some of which she did whilst waiting in the hospital. Oh and her birthday cakes that she makes and decorates... they are stunning.... themselves a piece of art.
Thank you for reading and have a lovely evening.
Kind permission has been given by Cookie Sunshine for you to use Elizabeths photograph on your own art work provided you do not use it where the art work is for sale, enjoy.
Luv Chriss x
Oh Chriss what a lovely gesture. Yes I will make a little something! We can so relate as we went through dementia with my MIL. It's very hard and soul destroying!
thank you Denise.
I too will make a little gift
chriss x
Count me in, I will come up with a little something too, not a problem at all, more than happy to help, Jaqi x
thank you Jaqi
I am remembering the post Cookie put on her blog for Daniel's card appeal :))
she is so kind to others.
chriss x
Dear Chriss,
What a very sweet post. Thank you for sharing Mother's picture with your readers.
What you did not let them know is that they also have my permission to use her photograph
in their work provided they do not use it for resale. I would love to see what they do if they are interested in sharing.
This is one of her favorite photos and I know that she will enjoy seeing the results, although I am not sure that she will completely understand. She has always been interested in art and has supported my projects through the years. I think this is great fun.
We love all things that are whimsical.
Thank you for such a fun idea.
I may have some more photos that I can share with you later.
Hugs and love,
Cookie, thanx that we can use the photo in our own work... a lovely gesture..so kind of you.
chriss x
Cookie has been a great help to me over the past few weeks as I've tried to come to terms with dads dementia. Even though she's busy, she's always found time to send me a friendly, supportive email.
She's a very special lady!
Love Linda xx
Hi Chrissi...sorry I havent been over for a while hope to get back to a bit of normalaty now!!!!!
Hope you are well..I think you too are great for what you do for others ...Enjoy the rest of your week,(((Hugs))):)x
Hi Chriss,
Just watched the video and Cookies mum is lovely - still a very beautiful lady! I would love to make something for her.
xx Karen
thanx Karen
have a good day.
chriss x
Such a beautiful lady but such a sad story. Such a lovely gesture as well. I can only imagine how heart breaking this illness.
God bless
Thanks tina,
Hope you can join in
chriss x
This is a great idea, I noticed about this on Cookies blog and so I hope to make a little gift for her. You are so kind to think of this.
Dear Chriss, I have posted a photo of the absolutely beautiful ATC and folder with tags that were received in the mail from Jaqi yesterday. I hope you will click over and check them out. I also linked back to your page. Thank you again. You are such a dear. Mother is going to enjoy these. I'm going out in a bit to look for a new board for her bedside and see about a new collection of ATC's for her.
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