Who is Dottie you may be wondering
well she is the creation of the very talented Louly a teaching assistant from Hull, Louly has based Dottie on herself and if you take a little time out and visit her blog http://craftsbylouly.blogspot.com/
you can see a photo of Louly as a toddler and boy has that look been captured.
Whilst searching for it you will come across 'cards' that have been made by Louly based on Dottie and wait for it... Dotties boyfriend George... this famous pair are the Posh & Becks of the crafting world and with the initials D&G how can they go wrong.
Dottie and George are available in down loads at http://www.charmedcardsandcrafts.co.uk/acatalog/Digital_Downloads.html
You can get 'Dress up Dottie' 'Dottie at home' 'Fun time Dottie' 'Dottie at Work' we will all know someone who can relate to them, one of my faves is Dottie sat at her office desk with her shoes kicked off, how many of us have done that at work?
George can also be down loaded on the same site with Dottie... Louly has created 'Sporty George' and 'George at work' and with Father's Day coming up soon you are sure to find a George you can relate to.. George in uniform ... Mmm like a man in uniform. LOL.
Dottie even has her own blog ..how exciting is that? You can pop over and see what she gets up to (but not until you have finished reading this post as it gets better LOL) http://dotties-wonderful-world.blogspot.com/ Dottie is running a Challenge Sunday for you and what better way to spend a Sunday apart from doing 'OUR ATC CHALLENGES' of course...
and on that note... da da...
Louly has designed just for us our very own 'Dottie' 'The Artist Trading Club' has its very own Dottie...am I excited, you bet I am, I have the widest grin from ear to ear and just can't thank Louly enough for her kindness.... THANK YOU x
....'Dottie The ATC Queen' Can you Imagine...well you will just have to imagine a little while longer ...at least until tomorrow ... when I will be showing her off to you.... as TODAY is Dottie's, Georges and Louly's day, if you havnt already met them you can click on the Dotties World button on the top right hand corner of our blog... you can also see examples of Dottie and George which have been designed by Nicola (Enjay)
http://enjayscraftpages.blogspot.com/ Your children/grandchildren are going to love what she has done with Dottie.... I can see Dottie bedrooms popping up all over the place by using plain white bedding, plain white lamp shades and Pj's... having said all that, visit Nicola's blog and she will give you tips on how to achieve 'Dottie Fashions' for this summer.
Thanx for reading, thats if you are still here and have not gone off in search of Dottie. LOL
Happy Mothers Day to All our International Mums.
Luv Chris x
Congratulations Louly on D&G you go girl.
chriss x
How cute Dottie is! Will look for more about her and George in future!
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Oh my word Chriss, now I'm grinning from ear to ear! I don't know what to say, you won't find me speachless very often but you've gone and done it girl. Thank you so much for all those wonderful things you said, you lovely lady you. xxx
I can't wait to see what people come up with, with your ATC Dottie, it's going to be fun.
Thank you again. Oh and, can you catch? I'm sending you a big hug and kiss...........catch!
Enjoyed looking at those, thanks Chriss!
Wish I could draw like that.
Love Linda x
Dottie and George are just sooo cute! This sounds like a whole lot of fun!!
Hi Chriss, Thankyou for the wonderful introduction!!Nicola.xx
How fun! You always have the most interesting things.
Hoping all is well with you.
Ooh, Dottie and George are so cute! looking forward to seeing the atc dottie, Jaqi x
Interesting new Feedjit gadget thingie, Chriss!! keeping tabs on me, are you LOL :) :)
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