Luv Chriss x
This blog is run by Chriss for 'The Artist Trading Card Club' it's members, guests and visitors, from time to time it may include snippets of my family and I. Should you wish to know more about joining the Artist Trading Card Club then please feel free to contact me on this Email address chrissylamata@live.co.uk Can you create 5 Artist Trading Card's on our monthly theme, swap 4 with us and keep the other Artist Trading Card for your own collection then why not join in the fun....
I have just found your blog and what a delight! Your cards are gorgeous! thanks for sharing!
Elegant and beautiful ATC! Will try to join the challenge. Happy Easter!
That made me smile..witty and beautiful, a great combination!
Looking forward to your challenge.
Love L xx
I love it! I am making my first set of ATCs and I can see that I am not quite a pro yet!
Totally love it Chriss and the tongue in cheek sentiment... You go girl. Just love your ATC's you know I do xx
"Beautifu" ATC Chriss:)
"Happy Easter" glad youve had a lovely time:)x
This is a beautiful atc!! love the background and colors!!!
do my best to create an atc before the due date to join in the love challenge.
Hi Chriss, What a lovely ATC....you have inspired me and I have been bitten by the ATC bug! Thanks for all your help, Jaqi x
This is so nice and so funny!
Thanks for coming on over to my blog and for reminding me about Chris' challenge - have now made an entry for her blog candy :-)
I really like this one ... have only ever made 2 AtC's myself and they were as returns to people who had sent me one. Yours are amazing though.
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