.... the ATC posted here was made by my lovely friend Denise... she made it using bits from magazines because at the time all her stash was stashed in crates on its way to Dubai. She just kept enough crafting materials to make herself a little travel pack to stop her from having withdrawl symptoms at not being able to make ATC's before she arrived in Dubai. I think she did a great job. I can only show you one of them at the moment as my camera is playing up and I know Denise will be quietly relieved it is. lol.
So what I would like you to do is create 1 ATC by using magazines, junk mail etc, you may only use 1 rubber stamp (the choice is yours) you must include 1 franked postage stamp on your finished ATC.
When you have completed it I will need you to send me a copy by jpeg in an email... I will then put them on my blog without your name, just giving them a number.
We will then all vote for our favourite (NOT OUR OWN) in the comments box... the one with the most votes wins... what do they win???... well, they win all the ATC's that we enter for the challenge PLUS a little goody bag of crafty bits provided by me from my stash.
So who is up for this challenge...I am, who will join me? say aye!
All ATC's to be with me by Wednesday 23rd April at 10am so they can be posted to view that day.
Luv Chriss x
Please scroll down for Daniels greeting card appeal x
count me in...please join me
chriss x
What a great ATC - wonderful idea!
I'm IN, Chris. This will be my first ATC event of all time! And I'll see if my granddaughter, Lizi is up for it, too.
Thank you,
Count me in! what stamp do we need to use ? I have only ever made 2 ATC before so this will be fun . love from sesga xx
What a great idea Chriss! I'm in.
Linda xx
Aye , Im up for your challenge, but Ive sat for half an hour trying to open the comments box to say I want to join in, and it wont open..... and now its 1.16am. Please can you cut and paste my message, Thank you.
yes yes yes, count me in!! this should be fun!
If I had curtains I would close them so no-one could see my red face! Could you either not put my atcs on your blog or warn me first so I don't shock myself when I log in!!! You little devil you.... will try to join your challenge. Luv ya. Denise DBX
sorry denise... i knew you would love me for this, NOT,
love ya too and miss u xx
chriss x
Hi Chriss whats a franked stamp ?sorry please let me know thanks love from sesga xx
Thanks for posting my 'yes' to join in I dont know how I couldnt get on last night. Looking forward to this, Thanks JAQI X
great challenge Chriss, might be able to join in if I can stop laughing from our chatroom capers!!!
count me in tho!
oooh ooooh oooooh, Me me me... Count me in ROFL... can't miss out on this one...'specially as most of my mags are now defaced already thanks to you encouraging me to look for my wordy bits there. Can't even read them properly now without eyeballing phrases and such :D Tis a good thing though xxx
p.s. Denise's atc is Fabulous... hope I can live up to that!!
Chris - hoping to participate in recycle but as I have never taken or send in a JPEG it may be interesting! This is my first ever blog comment so am feeling very techno!
I'm so sorry I haven't had time to make one I did not realize its nearly already wednesday .but I will look forward having a look and voting .
sorry love from sesga xx
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