Scroll down her pages and see some of her AMAZING artist trading cards... OH, those rust miniature ATC works of ART are to die for.
Now then anyone who knows me will know I LOVE backgrounds and Gaby has set us a background challenge for this months theme, I myself have never tried it and so out of my comfort zone once again, lol :))
Over to Gaby....
For those of you who don’t know me yet, I’m Gaby from Germany.
I am a self-taught mixed media artist. I have a lot of interests, with a focus on collage.
This form allows me to use so many different methods and materials. My art is spontaneous.
I like the creative process, layering of many different materials including paint, ink, paper, photographs and found elements.
I love all kinds of art, but my special love is the ATCs. I’m always interested in new techniques and challenges, so my art can continue to evolve… only my everyday "job" sets the limits...
It’s a real honor to be invited as May’s guest designer. Thank you Chriss!
My theme for this month is “The Peeling Paint Technique” that Claudine Hellmuth popularized in her College Discovery Workshop book.
I really love this peeled paint effect and I use it often for the backgrounds.
A short explanation for those who don’t know this technique:
A short explanation for those who don’t know this technique:
First Step, apply a base coat of paint on your card stock.
Wait for paint to dry fully.
Than apply petroleum jelly intermittently over surface areas, covering areas that you want to expose when the paint peels during a later step.
Apply the petroleum jelly thickly enough to cover the surface that you want to peel. You can use your fingers or a paintbrush.
Paint over the entire surface using a different color of paint. . Allow the paint to dry.
Apply a second coat if desired.
Remove the petroleum jelly, using a soft cloth or paper towel.
The second colour of paint peels off at the same time.
Clean the surface to remove lingering traces of petroleum jelly.
If you like, seal your surface with an acrylic medium such as Golden medium.
Decorate as desired.
You can apply the petroleum jelly over a collage or piece of art work, and then paint over top.
However, you must seal the collage surface first with a coat of acrylic medium. Otherwise, the jelly soaks through your paper.
Have fun!
Have a good one, Gaby
Thank you Gaby it is an honour that you have agreed to be our GD for May 2010.
Thanks Gaby for the tute I can see the sales of Vaseline going up this month...lol.
Time for a huge thank you to Patty for doing us the honour of being our guest designer for us last month, Patty you did us proud, your ATC's arrived and IRL they are even more wonderful xxx
I am thrilled to say that Patty is now one of our newbie club members so we will be seeing more of her work. :)
Welcome to our new followers and thank you for the millions at least it feels like millions of enquiries from new readers about our club, I have been kept very busy this month behind the scenes.
All Swaps have now gone out... I held back on the international ones due to the Iceland troubles so you should get them soon.
We have a lovely sponsor for this month, Fay who runs an Ebay shop selling blank ATC's, inchies, twinchies, rinchies and much more however she is away on business at the moment and has closed her shop until the 9th May.
We will be putting her delightful blog candy grab bag of goodies up then so do pop back on the 9th.
When you have created your ATC's please put them on your blog and leave a comment on this post so that we can come and visit you I do hope that I didnt leave anyone out last month.
Thank you to all who pop over to visit each others blog when they have posted their ATC's.
Wishing you all a brilliant Bank Holiday weekend.
Thanks for joining us.
thank you Gaby wonderful ATC's have fun with this challenge everyone looking forward to seing what we all come up with.
Chriss x
Ooh this sounds fun, I havent tried this before so I hope I can manage hehehe. Now to think of colours and designs....I may be some time LOL
Thank you for the challenge
Ooooh, this sounds such fun (and very messy!). I'm off to buy a vat of vaseline.....!
Gaby's ATC's are AWESOME, I love 'em. Such an inspiration.
Wow I haven't tried this technique before but it looks fab and sounds fun!!! Thank you Gaby!!! XXX
I hope I get a chance to try this one. What gorgeous ATCs, Gaby! Thank you for showing them to us and for the challenge.
great collages!
Love the peeled paint effect especially as I learnt from Claudine herself.
You can find my vintage ATC's on my blog
These are stunning- very inspiring, I will give it a go :)
what gorgeous atc's can't wait to have a go at this one.
Chriss I'm slightly concerned, I posted off my ATC's last week first class - have they not arrived?
Fabulous ATCS and a funny technique... I tried once but wasn´t very happy with my results!
Have to try again!
Love Gabys Art!
am I too late to post my Vintage atc's? I have them all packed up to go postal this afternoon .....
My peeled paint ATC'S are on my blog if you would like to take a peek.
Love the peeling paint effect, thank you for the instructions, can't wait to try it :)
I am really out of the loop I didn't even know about your ATClub Chriss, sounds like everyone is having such fun, I hope when I get settled in my new home to be able to join in.
Great challenge choice! Gaby's work is marvellous. Had some fun trying out this technique and my efforts/entry can be seen at:
Hi Chriss, these are lovely ATCs. I had a wonderful and very messy time making mine! They are on my blog now - hope you like them. Love S xx
Well I played today with the peeling paint. Got two finished then decided to have a look see at everyone elses. I think I went overboard with embellishments. I havent posted them yet but my next ones will be much simpler. I'll be back to post soon
OK mine are done and posted on my blog here:
They will be in the post on their way to you in the next day or so, Chriss :)
Thank you for the challenge, Gaby. I enjoyed making the backgrounds very much!
great tutorial! i enjoyed my visit and love all the great ATCs
Got em done! You can see them here Trash to Treasure Art Now off to see everyone elses!
Wow - what a fantastic challenge!!
Gaby, your ATC`s are great and I love this technique!
Here is my entry for this month:
Click here
Thank you for looking.
Mine are done too, and winging their way to you across the pond!
You can see them here
Now I'm off to see everyone else's. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration Gaby!
Hey Gaby. Love your work, as you already know. So nice to find you here.
Well, I made a right mess out of mine! 3 tries and returned to the first effort in desperation. Sorry to have been so useless. They'll be in the post in the next couple of days, Chriss. xxx
Ooops, forgot to put on my link!
Finally managed 3 of my five peeled paint ATC's and will get the other 2 complete this week.
you can Find them here
chriss x
It's taken me a while but my paint effects are up on my blog for you to have a look http://stickingandstamping.blogspot.com/. Hope everyone is well and really excited about the next challenge. Take care px
Well I did mine but as usual forgot to come back with my link lol.....so mine are here:-
fab challenge once I got my head round it.
Thanks Gaby :D
hugs Chris xx
Oh what fabulous ATC!!! I am definitely going to have to try this technique!!!
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